While digital upgrades are nothing new in an age where technology is constantly being replaced by better and faster products, there is a new movement that has been recently changing businesses around the world: Digital Transformation. What this means for industries and how it will affect the future of business is important to understand, as all company heads will need to keep this new concept in mind if they want to succeed.
Have you heard the term “Digital Transformation,” but aren’t sure what it means or how it pertains to your business? We’re here with the answers you need.
What Does “Digital Transformation” Mean?
In the workplace, Digital Transformation refers to the process of changing the work environment so that the need for paper is all but eliminated. It also means remote employees who are spread out across the nation have all the tools they need to stay on task. When a business undergoes digital transformation, it is essentially updating the following aspects of the office:
- Eliminating the need for paper and converting most—if not all—assets into digital documents.
- Updating office equipment (i.e. printers and multifunction devices) so that everything is more cloud-friendly and can pick up tasks from any remote employee, no matter where they’re located.
- Increasing the amount of digital devices in the workplace, like commercial and digital displays, to help team members connect across your remote and hybrid workforce.
Why Digital Transformation is Gaining Popularity
While digital transformation has been a buzzword that’s been talked about for years, it’s gained increasing traction and exponential popularity over the last year because of one particular event that was experienced simultaneously across the globe: the coronavirus pandemic. With social distancing and stay at home orders being issued by government officials around the world, businesses had to scramble to cater to these necessary mandates and avoid going under. The best option for keeping employees safe and continuing with business as usual was to adopt remote work policies for staff members. All of the changes that had to be made in the work environment due to this drastic update in work procedures were no easy feat.
Business leaders had to think outside the box at times, brainstorming how to keep remote employees on track and on the same page. It was a learning experience for major industry leaders everywhere, but we are now at a point where things have settled and companies have transitioned into a “new normal.” Some companies have even found that remote employees and virtual offices work better for them than having a physical office space.
Today, business looks much different compared to what it was just a couple of years ago, with digital technologies and paperless practices being the expectation for many workplaces. If companies want to continue to succeed and adapt to the ever-expanding digital trajectory, business leaders must be open to a complete digital transformation in their workplace.
Digital Transformation in the Workplace: Where to Start
For business owners who are still struggling to adjust to this new digital age, it is best to start simple. The easiest and yet most important thing that can be changed is the current paper flow in the workplace. Many printed materials are vital to projects and tasks, but many documents are not necessary to have in paper form, since there are so many digital alternatives. While some hard copies are important to have, there is a large portion of printed assets that can now be (and should be) digitized. But how do you know what should be digitized, and what should remain on paper?
The movement of digital transformation has brought with it new concepts, including “good paper” and “bad paper.” These labels set a precedent for what is acceptable as a hard copy, and what should be digitized. How do you distinguish between good and bad paper? Know the differing characteristics of each.
What is good paper?
- Anything that has started out on paper to begin with, like a hand-written letter, or notes that relate to important research.
- Any materials used by important figureheads, such as stakeholders or other professionals, who typically prefer to work on paper.
- Any official document that requires a witness to a “wet ink” signature.
What is bad paper?
- Anything that has started out on a screen and has been printed, but never re-digitized.
- Any printed materials that could be read on a screen as easily as they could be read on paper.
- Any hard copies that are currently being stored in boxes, when they could just as easily be stored in digital files on a computer.
When you understand the difference between good and bad paper and are able to spot these items in your own workplace, you are already taking the first step toward digital transformation. There are still a few more steps to take before you have completed this process, however.
Digital Transformation is Easy When You Do it with Parmetech
We’re here to guide you through the process of eliminating paper use and entering a digital and ultra-organized era for your business. Parmetech is here for all of your digital transformation needs and more. Call us anytime with your questions: +1(800) 727-6383.