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Category: Technology

Best Practices for Leading Effective Remote Teams

Best Practices for Leading Effective Remote Teams

With the continuous global shift towards working from home and the business benefits of remote work continuing to stack up, many team leaders are now being tasked with managing remote teams. While this is perfectly viable, it does present some unique challenges as...

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How to Choose the Right Office Printer for Your Business

How to Choose the Right Office Printer for Your Business

There are many factors to consider when shopping for a new office printer or multifunction device, especially if you are a business owner. Printers, copiers, and scanners are all essential to the workplace, no matter what industry you are based in. How do you choose...

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Build Your Own Virtual Office Assistant

Build Your Own Virtual Office Assistant

Building your own virtual office assistant sounds like a great idea! And while you may not be able do it with people (at least not yet...),  you can do it with the Xerox AltaLink 8100 Series. There are two lines to choose from : the AltaLink C8100 for color printing,...

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How Apps Help Remote Workers Manage Documents

How Apps Help Remote Workers Manage Documents

For years we’ve been in a constant evolution of the office landscape and how people work – with more and more businesses slowly navigating away from the traditional office space. However, 2020 and the global pandemic has escalated change and forced a new normal on...

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How to Choose the Right Printer for Your Home Office

How to Choose the Right Printer for Your Home Office

With many workers and employees are working remotely from their homes, whether it be full time or on a hybrid schedule, the need arises to enhance home office set ups with the same devices that are used in the office - such as computer monitors, desktops, printers,...

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Work From Home Toolkit: Advanced Telecommuting Equipment

Work From Home Toolkit: Advanced Telecommuting Equipment

As we continue to navigate this 'new normal' many things are still uncertain - however, one thing we can count on is that working from home and remote work is here to stay. And while at first working from home seemed like a new luxury that many of us always dreamed...

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A Guide to Digital Transformation in the Education Sector

A Guide to Digital Transformation in the Education Sector

Can you think of an aspect of life that has not yet been influenced by digital transformation and technology? Chances are high that the answer is no. This is especially true in the education sector, which finds varying degrees of digital transformation happening all...

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