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Category: Printing

Digital Workflows and Digital Printers

Digital Workflows and Digital Printers

Printing doesn’t have to be complicated, but, let’s face it - for every user who wants something different from the print device, the complexity increases. What started as printing a piece of paper has grown to two-sided printing, imaging, multiple paper weights and...

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Create a Safer, Touchless Workplace

Create a Safer, Touchless Workplace

We’ve reached the one-year mark since the COVID-19 global pandemic began. Though there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel as we slowly begin to transition to a new normal – consisting of socially distant spaces, hybrid work environments, and evolving...

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How to Choose the Right Office Printer for Your Business

How to Choose the Right Office Printer for Your Business

There are many factors to consider when shopping for a new office printer or multifunction device, especially if you are a business owner. Printers, copiers, and scanners are all essential to the workplace, no matter what industry you are based in. How do you choose...

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Build Your Own Virtual Office Assistant

Build Your Own Virtual Office Assistant

Building your own virtual office assistant sounds like a great idea! And while you may not be able do it with people (at least not yet...),  you can do it with the Xerox AltaLink 8100 Series. There are two lines to choose from : the AltaLink C8100 for color printing,...

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How to Choose the Right Printer for Your Home Office

How to Choose the Right Printer for Your Home Office

With many workers and employees are working remotely from their homes, whether it be full time or on a hybrid schedule, the need arises to enhance home office set ups with the same devices that are used in the office - such as computer monitors, desktops, printers,...

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App Spotlight: Xerox Note Converter App

App Spotlight: Xerox Note Converter App

Remember the days before computers when we would write papers and take notes by hand? Oh? No? *Ok Boomer* Well, if you're Gen Z, probably not. However, I think most millennials can agree there was definitely a time in school where we were strictly using paper. Then...

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R.I.P Google Cloud Print

R.I.P Google Cloud Print

After a decade in beta, Google Cloud Print is being laid to rest. In November of last year, Google announced that their cloud-printing based solution will no longer be supported as of December 31, 2020. Oh, you didn’t know? Well, not surprising as Google made the...

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4 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Print Technology

4 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Print Technology

When you’re running a busy print shop, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. You’re so focused on getting work out the door, you don’t have time to ask yourself the big questions: How has the market changed? Am I keeping up or falling behind? How do I stack...

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