Teach from Home: A Digital Teaching Toolkit
Teaching from home presents unique challenges to teachers used to standing up in front of a class. What is becoming clear is that teaching from home is part of the future of education. Whether through synchronous or asynchronous learning, remote teaching and learning...
Interactive Classroom Displays: What to Know Before You Buy
In modern classrooms, teachers are constantly faced with the question: how does interactive classroom technology fit in today’s educational system? With the rise of new technologies like smartphones, tablets, and cloud-integrated devices, older analog tools like...
The Complete Guide to Technology in the Classroom
There has always been technology in the classroom - from books to tablets, to slates and interactive whiteboards, humans have used learning tools for as long as we have had formal education. While the technology itself changes, there are some things that remain the...
Top 10 Ways Interactive Displays Improve Education
Interactive displays are rapidly becoming one of the hottest, and most useful, tech tools – especially in educational environments as they transform the way in which teachers teach and students learn. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer for ideal classroom...
Five Ways EdTech Helps Students with Special Needs in the Classroom
School can be tough for any child, but for students with special needs in the classroom, the challenges are amplified. Separation from family, interacting with teachers, making friends, being asked to learn new information every day -- these school-day struggles can...
Trend Tips: Updating Classroom Layout to Boost Engagement
Classroom design has come a long way in the last few decades. There has been a massive shift away from the classroom’s origins as rigid, structured places of teacher-centered learning. Today, classrooms are embracing technology and more flexible approaches to learning...
Supporting the Learning Environment: SCALE-UP Classroom Technology
How can we scale up the technology in our classrooms? Despite the dramatic impact technology has had on education, many classroom structures and teaching methods haven’t changed much over the years. The education industry has often evolved slowly when it comes to...
Touch-Based Education: The Benefits of Interactive Learning in the Classroom
They say that there are three types of learning — Visual, kinetic, and auditory. Visual refers to sight-based learning, while kinetic and auditory refers to touch and hearing-centric learning, respectively. In classrooms around the world, teachers sometimes struggle...
The Future of eLearning: 10 Trends to Be Aware Of
Elearning is here to stay. Dusty blackboards, smudged overhead projectors, and over saturated photocopies - Surely sounds like many people’s education experience. But take solace in knowing that, in many schools, those factors are in the past. For those who don’t know...
Active Learning 101: What It Is, How It Works and Why It Matters
(From the editor: This article was originally published on ViewSonic Library.) Active learning is a teaching method that works wonders. Think about some things you’ve learned: how to drive, change a tire, or prepare a meal. You may have first been instructed by a...