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Category: Education Technology

Four Advantages of Distance Education

Four Advantages of Distance Education

The COVID-19 global pandemic has completely transformed how teaching and learning occurs, and many educational institutions have quickly moved towards the adoption of distance education. In fact, the popularity of distance learning has increased immensely and some...

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Overcoming Four Distance Learning Challenges

Overcoming Four Distance Learning Challenges

Distance learning has become one of the top EdTech trends over the last year. To be blunt, with the global pandemic and the resulting school closures, distance education actually became THE top 2020 EdTech trend overnight. Modern distance learning offers an amazing...

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A Guide to Digital Transformation in the Education Sector

A Guide to Digital Transformation in the Education Sector

Can you think of an aspect of life that has not yet been influenced by digital transformation and technology? Chances are high that the answer is no. This is especially true in the education sector, which finds varying degrees of digital transformation happening all...

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Celebrate National STEM/STEAM Day in Your Classroom

Celebrate National STEM/STEAM Day in Your Classroom

November 8th is National STEM/STEAM Day! (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) - STEM/STEAM is all about the education of the next generation. Without the proper knowledge on these subjects, the next generation of workers won’t have the proper tools...

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The Benefits of Managed Print Services for Education

The Benefits of Managed Print Services for Education

Implementing managed print services for education facilities such as K-12 schools and higher education universities can have a positive impact on students, teachers, and the bottom line. With these services, schools can comply with tight budgets while also effectively...

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What is the Most Effective Type of Distance Learning?

What is the Most Effective Type of Distance Learning?

Distance learning can be broadly defined as a form of education, where the teacher(s) and student(s) are separated geographically and connected through telecommunications. Yet, underneath the distance learning umbrella, there are a number of different delivery types...

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