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Category: Education Technology

Esports in Education: Where Gaming Meets Learning

Esports in Education: Where Gaming Meets Learning

The world of education has always been shaped by innovation, adapting to the changing needs and interests of students. In recent years, a unique and captivating phenomenon has emerged, merging the love for gaming with the pursuit of knowledge - esports in education....

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What Can Interactive Whiteboards Really Do for Education?

What Can Interactive Whiteboards Really Do for Education?

In today’s digital landscape, more and more educational institutions and workplaces are embracing technology that helps to enhance learning and collaboration. For this reason, one specific tool has been becoming increasingly popular and is making its way into...

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8 Benefits of the Flipped Classroom Model

8 Benefits of the Flipped Classroom Model

The traditional classroom model has been the standard for education for many years. Teachers present information during class, and then the expectation is students are to go home, and review and practice the material. However, the flipped classroom model turns this...

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Utilizing ESSER Funding to Purchase K-12 Classroom Technology

Utilizing ESSER Funding to Purchase K-12 Classroom Technology

As schools continue to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of education, it's becoming increasingly important for educators to utilize the resources available to them. One such resource is the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding, which...

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Why Digital Accessibility is Important in Education

Why Digital Accessibility is Important in Education

In today's digital age, it's easy to take for granted the convenience and accessibility of web content, software, mobile apps, and other forms of digital media. But for individuals with disabilities, navigating the digital world can present a significant challenge. Up...

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The Ultimate Guide to Educational Technology

The Ultimate Guide to Educational Technology

Education is constantly evolving, and learning trends are always changing to meet the needs of students and teachers. In today's classrooms, technology has become a driving force behind many of the latest learning trends, with innovative tools and platforms that...

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