Building a Secure Interactive Whiteboard on IoT Platforms
The Internet of Things (IoT) is not a new idea – connecting our devices, objects, and even ourselves to the internet has increasingly seeped into our everyday lives and work. Think of the Apple Watch on your wrist you use to track your activity and heartrate, or the...
The Benefits of Managed Print Services for Education
Implementing managed print services for education facilities such as K-12 schools and higher education universities can have a positive impact on students, teachers, and the bottom line. With these services, schools can comply with tight budgets while also effectively...
What to Expect from a Managed Print Services (MPS) Provider
Today’s intelligent multifunction printers play a very important role in digital transformation. They make your people more productive, your processes more efficient and your data more secure. It’s why businesses need more from their Managed Print Services (MPS)...
Successful Collaboration While Telecommuting
Modern technology has helped facilitate an increased ability to carry out many jobs remotely, rather than traveling to a central place of work, but it is important to recognize some of the challenges associated with telecommuting. Arguably one of the most significant...
Tips & Tactics: 10 Tech-Wise Tips to Drive Efficiency
In our economy, speed is critical to business success. The fast get results first and transform the market place. Technology drives the pace and the strategy. Here are ten ways technology can help your business drive efficiency and improve productivity. 1. Double Your...
How Will the Role of Printing Change in the Workplace Post-COVID-19?
COVID-19 has changed the way offices conduct business. With stay-at-home orders across the nation, many people have been working from home since Spring 2020. While some offices have opened back up, many businesses are encouraging flexible work environments and...
What is the Most Effective Type of Distance Learning?
Distance learning can be broadly defined as a form of education, where the teacher(s) and student(s) are separated geographically and connected through telecommunications. Yet, underneath the distance learning umbrella, there are a number of different delivery types...
How to Optimize Productivity with Remote Work
Given the rise of telecommuting and work from home arrangements, especially due to the COVID 19 global pandemic, researchers have spent a considerable amount of time focusing on the topic of productivity with remote work. After all, when employees work from home,...
Building Lessons: The 8 Learning Styles
True or false: all students - young and old alike - have a specific learning style and are most successful when taught using that particular method. Answer: Both The statement above sparks many a debate and it appears there is no absolute right or wrong answer....
4 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Print Technology
When you’re running a busy print shop, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. You’re so focused on getting work out the door, you don’t have time to ask yourself the big questions: How has the market changed? Am I keeping up or falling behind? How do I stack...