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5 Managed Print Services Resources for Decision Makers

by | Apr 27, 2020

Managed Print Services (MPS) are about taking control of your printing infrastructure. MPS brings tremendous value to organizations of all sizes and types, both public sector and private companies. While the benefits of MPS are clear, understanding the layers and complexities of what makes a good program can be a challenge. Together with our partners at Xerox, we’ve compiled these five managed print services resources to help you and your teams make the best MPS choices for your organization and goals.

Managed Print Services Resources:
#1 “16 MPS Questions to Ask” Discussion Guide

Part of reaching a good decision involves just knowing what questions to ask. If you’re new to MPS, or maybe you’re preparing for a new agreement or contract renewal, be as informed as possible. This in-depth list covers many essential questions that should be part of any MPS due diligence. You’ll find ideas for how to evaluate MPS partners with questions like:

  • Does the partner have dedicated assessment software and methodologies for a comprehensive investigation?
  • Do they develop a road map to move you to an ideal state?
  • Will savings be easily identified and accurately reported?
  • Can you track cost reductions through a client dashboard?
  • Will the partner tell you when, where and how cost reductions occur?

These are just a few of the questions you can explore, but this in-depth discussion guide doesn’t just ask questions. It also takes you to answers you’ll need to move forward.



Managed Print Services Resources:
#2 The Complete Guide for Paper to Digital Transformation

In many organizations, managed print services have already become integral parts of digital transformation strategies. Turning paper documents and forms into digital content delivers measurable benefits:

  • Innovation: Classify, search, analyze and mine digital documents for business intelligence insights that foster innovation and drive competitive advantage.
  • Security: Protect critical data in ways not possible with paper documents. Apply policy-driven integrity, confidentiality and compliance controls to digitized documents to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Efficiency: Use digitization to redefine workflows. Sharing, forwarding and collaborating with digital documents drive down costs, ramp up productivity, speed decision-making and change the way business gets done. The more systems that can work well together will make it even better.

If you’re interested in moving more in that direction, this comprehensive workbook helps IT and buying teams understand how MPS enables DX by providing an essential bridge from paper to digital. Download this hands-on guide to reduce waste, improve processes and digitize documents. It features real stories, best practices, interactive assessments and actionable advice for successful paper-to-digital conversion.



Managed Print Services Resources:
#3 “Quocirca Print 2025 – The Future of Print in the Digital Workplace”

Digital documents and printed communications still co-exist in many organizations. While digitization is rising, print is holding its own for now. “The good news is that the majority of end-user organizations expect print to retain an important role in supporting their business through to 2025. Print simply is not going to disappear any time soon,” according to this managed print services resource. That means IT teams and others need a strategy to cope with hybrid document workflows, and this report offers useful insights.

Managed Print Services highlights:

  • “The foundation of any successful MPS engagement is a comprehensive assessment of the print infrastructure, which can help organizations better understand usage and opportunities for optimization.”
  • “Managed print services (MPS) as an enabler for digital transformation. MPS is a proven approach for supporting digitization efforts through the optimization of paper and digital workflows.”
  • “Analytics is a key component of the effective strategic business reviews that MPS providers conduct to help their customers continue to drive cost and efficiency improvements.”

MPS is an effective tool for digital transformation in the workplace. Paper documents can be scanned and captured at the MFP and routed directly to enterprise applications, then distributed and stored in online content management repositories. This study can help your organization leverage investments in multifunction devices and understand document workflow integration tools.



Managed Print Services Resources:
#4 “How to Build a Secure Managed Print Services Program” On-Demand Webinar

Take a proactive approach to print and document security starting with this on-demand webinar. Get practical guidance from top document security experts as they  explain how to build a secure MPS program and discuss the latest developments in document security, print security and data security.

Watch this on-demand security webinar to learn:

  • Why you should include print in security audits and assessments
  • Trends in security, privacy, data integrity and secure document collaboration
  • How to prevent data leaks and maintain regulatory compliance


Managed Print Services Resources:
#5 “Financial Institution Cuts Costs 35% with MPS” Case Study

This Managed Print Services solution involved reducing the firm’s printer fleet, networking the printers, implementing shared device usage and centralizing control. Costs went down and floor space opened up. Today, the global financial services leader is printing less for less, with less square footage devoted to equipment.

A building-by-building assessment of the company’s print devices and operations led to eliminating over 35,000 print devices and other benefits:

  • Centralized print visibility, management and global support
  • Maximized floor space and occupancy for hundreds of buildings worldwide
  • Improved user-to-device ratio from 3.2:1 to almost 11:1
  • Cut overall costs by 35%
  • Proactive monitoring and maintenance
  • Improved security via passcode protected printing and daily image overwriting of printer hard drives
  • Mobile access to printers via smartphones and tablets
  • Reduced energy consumption and cut greenhouse gases by 32%


(From the editor: This article was originally published on Enterprise Matters.)

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